
  • Personal Project with Colleagues
  • 2015 - recent
  • Logo, Branding, UI, UX

allmyprofiles is the first service for all people out there having multiple social media accounts and are looking for a way to combine all of them into one single link. This is, what we're trying to improve with allmyprofiles.

We're live! Visit our brand new site and experience it by yourself! (offline – will not be continued)

allmyprofiles - Logo by Rafael Alex
The brand new logo, used accross every channel.
allmyprofiles - Desktop by Rafael Alex
Desktop View:
This is one of the many desktop views I've created during this project.
allmyprofiles - Desktop by Rafael Alex
Desktop View:
This is another of the many desktop views I've created during this project.
allmyprofiles - Desktop by Rafael Alex
Desktop View:
One more desktop view.
allmyprofiles - Desktop by Rafael Alex
Desktop View:
And another one.
allmyprofiles - Mobile by Rafael Alex
Mobile View:
This is one of the many mobile views I've created during this project.
allmyprofiles - Mobile by Rafael Alex
Mobile View:
This is another mobile view.